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How To Be The Girl That All The Guys Want In 5 steps

  We all know some girls that boys always seem to be chasing after. But have you ever ask yourself what's the secret to seduction? Unfortunately, there's no magic stick that will make you more adorable. But there are some technics you can use to your advantage to become the girl all the guys want.

                     How To Take Care Of Your Nails And Your Hands
   1. Show off your personality: Great personality traits can lead someone to look past negative physical traits and feel attracted towards you. i.e guy who is normally attracted to sexy women might feel attracted to a girl who is slightly overweight if she is kind and outgoing. Try to find your positive personality traits and let them bright!
     2. Look after of yourself: You can’t make too much about the way you look, but one study said that people are more attracted to people who take good care of themselves. Make sure that you take time to groom yourself well every day. Some important things you can do to increase your attractiveness:
  •    Showering every day.
  •    Brushing your teeth.
  •   Wearing clean clothes.
  •   Styling your hair.
  •   Put parfume. 
       3. Show your best features: Men’s preferences about looks and body type vary widely, so try not to set your sights on looking like a photo. Instead, embrace the figure and features you have and try to accentuate them as much as you can.
  • For example, if your best feature is your mouth then you can use some leps stick. If your legs are your best feature, then opt for shorts or a short skirt to show them off.  

     4.Wear something sexy:Women who are wearing black and red seem more attractive to some men. You don't need to wear red and black all of the time, but wearing a red/black top now and then or adding a pop of red with an accessory might be worth a try.

 5.Put on high heels now and then: High heels are made to make men feel more attracted to women. You can also try to wear some lower high heels.

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