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Top 5 Things Girls Like About Guys

This question was asked by some boys, they are worried about what girls like about boys, In this article, we will try to show you some Top 5 Thing That Girls Like About Boys in order to help you to reach this things, here we go:

1)Cute Surprises:
Who doesn't like cute suprises ? All people do like little surprises such as flowers,jewelry...these kind of surprises makes us happy and thankful but we don't expect from you to spent lot of money sometimes littlee things mean a lot.

2) To Be Able To Talk To You:
 About everything and about nothing, by that we mean, we want you to lestin to us and share everything and anything between us like one person you and us equals to one.

3) To Believe In Us:
Give us hopes, inspiration, aspiration, support, ncourage us. Tell us that it’s easy and we can do it. You’re supposed to be our biggest supporter…

4) Make Us Laugh:
 We want you to make us laugh, when we’re happy, this makes us happier, when we’re sad, it makes us happy; and when we’re mad… We will fall in love with you over and over if you can make us laugh and happy.

 5) To Text Us:
At day and night, before going to sleep and after getting up, it does not matter when just do it all the time we love being appreciated by others especially boys. Tell us you can't wait to see us, ask us how are we. all this things make us happy and attracted to you.

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